Food, housing, BAföG and more
The Studierendenwerk Darmstadt offers a wide range of services in the areas of food, counselling, intercultural matters, housing and money. Approximately 270 permanent employees provide the students with food every day (in times of Corona also to go), provide about 3,060 beds and ensure that about 6,000 of the students in Darmstadt can finance their studies through BAföG. But success in your studies also depends on your mental well-being, which is why counselling and help are another focus of the Studierendenwerk's work.
Counselling, counselling, counselling
If things aren't running smoothly, you can get help at the Studierendenwerk's social counselling, legal counselling or psychotherapeutic counselling centre. If you need advice on BAföG, you can get it from the Studierendenwerk or the h_da-AStA. By the way, the AStA also offers free legal advice for h_da students.
Work in your own interest
In order to "work" in your interest, the Studierendenwerk Darmstadt also works together with the other student unions in Germany to influence the discussion on tuition fees, BAföG adjustments and private student financing. In the higher education sector, it is committed to improving the general conditions for studying, is in dialogue with the universities and provides the social infrastructure for successful studies.
Detailed information on the Studierendenwerk can be found on the Studierendenwerk website.