Get involved


You can vote every year

University elections take place every winter semester - usually at the beginning of the year in January or February. The student parliament, the student councils and the student representatives in the senate and in the departmental councils will be elected. All students at the university are eligible to vote.

Don't complain, get involved

Even though it may be difficult for you to become active in university politics at the beginning of your studies, it is more important to vote for student representatives. The committees that are elected during the university elections also deal with issues that directly affect you in your everyday studies, such as semester fees, examination regulations, the appointment of professors or the introduction of new degree programmes. By casting your vote in the university elections, you can also influence how these issues are shaped. So be sure to vote!

 Vote online

In the 2022/23 winter semester, the university elections were held online for the first time. Voting has thus become even easier. This means you can check whether the data deposited for you is correct and, if necessary, lodge an objection. You can submit election proposals electronically during the nomination phase. More information on the annual university elections can be found on the AStA website and on the website of the h_da election office.

You prefer watching films?

We would also like to recommend two explanatory films that the AStA has produced for you: "What committees are there?" and "How do you nominate yourself?".