Funds for good study conditions
What would the university be without student initiatives, projects, student tutorials or good learning and working spaces? All of this supports learning and enables exchange with fellow students across all disciplines.
An additional 5 million euros per year
But in order to make all of this possible, of course, you also need the appropriate financial resources. With the so-called QSL funds (funds for improving the quality of study conditions and teaching), the university receives an additional 5 million euros per year from the state of Hesse to further improve the quality of study conditions and teaching. Part of the funds goes to the departments as project funds, the other part flows into inter-university projects.
Have your say in the allocation of funds
And best of all, you can help decide which improvements will be implemented: On the one hand, you can apply for projects through your departmental student council and on the other hand, as a member of the QSL Study Commission, you can even help decide on the annual allocation of funds. By the way, half (!) of the members of the study commission are students.
You can find more information about QSL funds on the university's intranet pages. You have to log in with your h_da access data.