Don't forget re-register in time!
You must re-register in time for each upcoming semester. The re-registration deadline for the respective semester can be found on the university website at The transfer of the semester fee is also your re-registration declaration. You can find the current semester fee and bank details at When transferring the semester fee, please make sure that you state your matriculation number correctly.
Avoid late fees
The date on which the money is credited to the university account is decisive for the re-registration deadline! Therefore, please note that your transfer can usually take up to three or four working days. If the transfer is received late, you will have to pay a late fee of 30,00 euros in addition to the semester fee. If your semester fee is still not received on time or in the required amount, you will not be re-registered and will be exmatriculated in accordance with § 59 Para. 2 No. 2 of the Hessian Higher Education Act (HHG).
Semester fees and certificates
The current semester fee and bank details as well as further information on re-registration can be found here: After you have been successfully re-registered, you can print out your study or BAföG certificates yourself via my.h-da – My University Portal.
(Re)validate your campuscard
You have to revalidate your campuscard every semester. This means that you have to extend the validity of your campuscard at one of the (re-)validation machines distributed throughout the university. You can find the locations of the (re-)validation machines on the Student Service Center Website.