Successful completion of studies: automatic exmatriculation
You may have just started your studies and are not yet thinking about the end of your studies, but at some point the time will come and you will have (hopefully successfully) completed your studies. When you successfully complete your studies, you will be automatically exmatriculated at the end of the final semester. However, if you have pre-registered for the coming semester before your examination grade has been entered, you must submit an application. You can download a certificate at
Exmatriculation certificates are no longer generally sent by post.
Changing universities, dropping out of studies: Apply for exmatriculation in writing
If you leave the university, for example if you change universities or drop out of your studies, you must apply for exmatriculation in writing. Exmatriculation is possible during the entire semester in which you are enrolled, but not retroactively. You will then receive the exmatriculation certificate by post, but you can also print it out yourself via my.h-da – Mein Hochschulportal.
Further information and the application for exmatriculation can be found at