Ein Insektenhotel auf dem Campus

Make the campus greener!

Actions and projects for sustainable development

"sti:ne" is the abbreviation for the "Student Initiative for Sustainable Development" at the h_da. With sti:ne, students from a wide range of departments pursue the goal of making the university "greener". Currently, about 15 students organise themselves in fortnightly meetings and plan various activities and projects around the topic of sustainable development.

Energy is needed

So far, sti:ne has successfully implemented actions within the framework of the European Weeks of Sustainability and Waste Prevention, such as the self-built raised beds made of old pallets at the car park of the Chemistry and Biotechnology Building (Building B 15) and the large wild bee houses in the middle of campus, which were also designed and built by the students themselves. These not only make the campus greener and more diverse, but also draw attention to the important issue of biodiversity.

Bundling sustainability activities

Incidentally, the origins of sti:ne lie in the "Initiative for Sustainable Development", or i:ne for short. This is an association of university actors and partners from the region and has been bundling the sustainability activities of the h_da since 2016.

Student Initiative for Sustainable Development - st:ine
